When BUNGiE Parted Ways With Halo

When BUNGiE parted ways with Halo, at first I thought, damn, the goodwill (soul) between Halo's new developers 343i and their community would suffer. By the looks of things it couldn't be more the opposite. Since the launch of Destiny it is BUNGiE and the Destiny community that has suffered outstanding and numerous troubles. It now appears obvious to me that it was not BUNGiE that left Halo, but that it was Halo that shed itself of BUNGiE and chose 343i. All of the heart, integrity, and goodwill gamers were all to familiar with as being Halo fans seemed to have coalesced and done away with BUNGiE. As if it knew something was rotting away at the studio, and wanted nothing to do with it. Presently we can plainly see with everything happening in Halo 5 between its developer 343i and their community members, that the Halo fans are still being showered with a steady stream of heart, integrity, good will, and the quality that many would consider to be the most important of all between a developer and their consumers, respect.

Of course the cynic would say that 343i/Microsoft only appear as decent because they are strategically buying their consumers loyalty, like a step dad may do with his step kids by showering them with gifts and privileges in order to gain their favor. And this may very well be the case, and if it is, it has yet to have revealed itself. To prematurely accept this premise would not only be unappreciative on the behalf of Halo 5's community, but would also be unfair to 343i. Because what this would mean for 343i is that they would not even be given a fair shot at proving that they are sincerely decent, and grateful for their opportunity as Halo's new masters of procession, not only to the franchise that it is, but to its inherited community as well.

To the cynic I submit that the same could be said about BUNGiE. They had (and unfortunately for them still have) much to prove (or atone for) for their new IP Destiny. They not only had to prove themselves to their migrated community from Halo, but also to potential new community members as well that were not keen on Halo to begin with, and of course to virgin gamers of whom may not be familiar to Halo at all. Sadly it is still vague, and I feel BUNGiE has left it this way on purpose, as to exactly where they stand in their relationship with their community. Unfortunately it seems that BUNGiE opted for the we are too big to fail strategy in this reguard and I believe it has not boded well for them, and I suspect that BUNGiE may agree as well. It was not too long ago that BUNGiE issued a wave of surveys to its community asking why they have not been playing Destiny and for suggestions as to what might be their next course of action in order to steer themselves back on course and into the graces of thier community, or toward global domination as stated, I suspect, comically on their site's about us tab. Whether they acknowledge and remedy back to health their relationship with their community is for us all to see in the time to come. But for now I will say that it is undeniable that Halo fans know where 343i stand in the relationship between themselves and their community.


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